Topaz Denoise AI Update and Special Offer

by | May 29, 2020 | DeNoise AI, Software Reviews, Topaz Labs | 0 comments

Topaz Labs have just issued an update to their DeNoise AI program. This update adds:

  • Low Light Mode
  • Mask based selective adjustments

Do these improve an already excellent product? Watch the video and read my detailed review below.

DeNoise AI in action

For this test I took one low light, nighttime, photo, one ‘regular’ photo and one photo that exceeded the camera’s dynamic range where I used my RAW converter to recover the shadows. This led to an image that was noise free in the highlights and noisy in the shadows. That’s an ideal candidate for selective noise reduction.

Night time image

DeNoise AI Interface

DeNoise AI Interface

I took this night time image at ISO 6400 (I wrongly say ISO 3200 in the video) and it is full of noise.

To process this image in Denoise AI I selected ‘Auto’ for the main noise reduction and then turned the Low Light mode on. The results speak for themselves:

Noise Reduction - Low Light

Noise Reduction – Low Light

I need to make no comment, other than the image looks more like ISO 100 – 400 and not 6400!

A ‘Regular’ Image DeNoised

I’ve tested DoNoise with images taken in good light. See here for the details.

Selective Noise Reduction in DeNoise AI

Whereas ‘Low Light’ mode is a simple switch, selective noise reduction requires user input.

Topaz has made it easy. You use the mask tool to paint over the areas to improve. Non-masked areas are not affected by the noise reduction. The tool is easy to use and features ‘edge detection’. You use this feature to make precise selections, although they need not be as precise as when removing objects from a scene.

You can invert the mask, remove the mask and change the mask brush’s dimensions.

I masked the following picture:

DeNoise Masking - Test Image

DeNoise Masking – Test Image

This picture shows a common scenario – the dynamic range is too large for the camera. I exposed for the highlights and then used my RAW Converter (Luminar) to bring out detail in the shadows. In doing so, it introduced noise into the shadows.

This technique is especially useful when taking images in poor light with significant highlights with a camera that has an ISO Invariant sensor. You set the camera to a low ISO and underexpose by several stops. Then you bring out details in the shadows without affecting the highlights. The net result is the highlights are noise free but the shadows are not.

I now want to remove the noise without affecting the highlights. Noise reduction can (and usually does) result in loss of quality and detail. As good as DeNoise AI is, it is still better to leave noiseless areas alone.

I painted this mask using the masking tool:

DeNoise mask

DeNoise mask

Masking tool. Just paint...

Masking tool. Just paint…

The mask is not perfect, and I could spend more time on it. But it’s good enough for this demo.

Here is the result after DeNoise has removed the noise:

Mask - Noise removed

Mask – Noise removed

The mask prevents the highlights from being processed.

Topaz DeNoise AI – Conclusion and Special Offer

The examples speak for themselves. Topaz DeNoise excels at noise removal. Topaz have added the best low light noise reduction I have ever seen and an easy-to-use mask tool.

Topaz is offering DeNoise AI at the reduced price of $59.99 us until 12th June. Their Utility Bundle (DeNoise AI, Gigapixel AI, Sharpen AI and JPEG to RAW AI) is on offer at $195.99 (from $359.99). Now is a great time to try out Topaz Labs AI products.


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