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Adobe Alternatives-Photo Software for 2019/2020

Adobe Alternatives-Photo Software for 2019/2020

I like Adobe's products. But I don't like their subscription model. Based on making many tests I think other, non Adobe, software is better. Here are my recommendations. Photoshop Alternative There is only one serious candidate for this: Affinity Photo. At less than £50 Affinity is cheaper than Photoshop, Photoshop Elements and Paintshop Pro and it [...]

Is this the End for Photo Software Companies?

I recently reviewed DXO Photo Lab 3. DXO has been my equal favourite piece of photo software for some time now. Readers of this blog will know that DXO and Photo Ninja are my go to programs. If they can't do it then Affinity Photo, anything by Topaz Labs and a bit of Nik Viveza [...]

New products

My new products I've recently revamped the photo sections of my website -  in addition to reviewing photographic tools and software, I use them to produce photographs and offer these for sale. It's been a challenge to find the right set of products to sell and to produce them at the right price... I now [...]

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